You can kind of consider All Over Me as a long prologue to Devoured. It’s less than 60 pages but it packs quite the punch. We get to see how Lucas and Sienna get their start and the attraction is intense from the beginning. Devoured was released first so I read it before I got to read All Over Me, I kind of liked reading it after Devoured because we get to go back in time and see where these two went wrong, in the beginning. After finishing All Over Me, I of course had to go back and re-read Devoured! In All Over Me we get Lucas’s perspective as well as Sienna’s. In Devoured it is strictly from Siennas perspective. After reading All Over Me I kind of missed reading from Lucas’s perspective. He adds an interesting POV, I always like to get into the males mind a bit and his mind is a fun place to be even for a short time. In Devoured all we know is that Lucas was pretty much a complete douche when he tells Sienna to “get the fuck out”. I mean who does that?! With All Over Me we get some definite insights into that night. And Lucas is not as douchy as we once thought.
Rolling into Devoured the attraction between Sienna and Lucas is as intense as it once was, only now Lucas has to work a bit harder for it. Sienna is pissed at him, even after two years. I honestly don’t blame her. There is just something that gets your back up when a douche tells you to “get the fuck out” or as in personal experience “put out or get out”. Especially with Lucas it was an about face as we now know with All Over Me, he was all about it in or out of bed so kicking her out, was a shitty ass move!
I would have loved to have had Lucas’s thoughts when he sees Sienna again after two years. It’s obvious he still wants her, even enough to give up a house to have her. Not having Luca’s perspective is the only thing that I had a problem with after the re-read after reading All Over Me, it was like something was missing and it was Lucas’s voice. But even without Lucas’s POV Devoured was still a great read. Lucas and Sienna are just one of those couples that sticks out from the crowd.
Lucas is ultra-sexy musician who happens to have a kink for being a dominate; there is nothing he wants more than Sienna submitting to him. Sienna might be quite and keeps her head down and lets people walk over her, but she is pretty damn sure she is not a submissive and it gets her back up when Lucas basically points out that she is. It definitely brings out the feisty in her. She refuses to submit to his dominate behavior which makes for some interesting clashes! While she is not submitting to Lucas she learns that she has a back bone and starts sticking up for herself with other people as well. I liked how Sienna grew throughout the books. From a human doormat to someone who throw down and stick up for herself and she has Lucas to thank for that.
Lucas, has a life destroying secret that if it got out could destroy everything he has created; but what he doesn’t really get is that it is destroying his life anyway. Because of what person has over him, his life is out of his control so he seeks to control everything else. Finally he has found someone that he wants, but he can’t have her, not the way that he truly wants. And he may never be able to stand up to that one person to get what he really wants, and he may lose it and everything else forever…
Devoured and All Over Me are two whirlwind books that leave you wanting more. I have been sitting on edge waiting for Consumed to come out and whenever it is coming out it’s not getting here soon enough.
I also really loved Lucas’s sister Kylie! She is such a great character and I really hope that she gets her own book and finds her own HEA!
Rating of both books:
4.5 Orchids