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Where the Night Kind Roam

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Two of a Kind - Susan Mallery Reviewed for: Lets Get Romantical

Definitely one of my favorite books of the series! This book was all about Felicia! It was impossible not to love her. She is quirky, caring, social awkward and just so giving. All she wants is to be normal but her upbringing and her intelligence make that impossible. In Fools Gold she is finally finding her footing. She is making friends that don’t seem to mind that she is the smartest person on the room and that sometimes she goes off on random tangents why over explaining everything. She wants to belong, to find a man to love and to have a family but she doesn’t think that could ever happen for her as long as she remains “abnormal”. Enter Gideon, they had a one night affair in Thailand over four years ago that neither forgot. It was Felicia first time and when she runs into Gideon again, the attraction remains just as strong as it was that night. Gideon and Felicia enter into a deal, he would help her socialize and she would realize that he was not the forever kind of guy.

Gideon was a POW for over two years her was tortured and watched while every other person in his unit died. He was the only one that survived. He came to Fools Gold to live in peace and to heal he never in a million years thought he would run into Felicia, a one night stand he never forgot. Gideon likes his peaceful life, he knows he’s not completely healed and never will be, but he has long since come to terms with that. Since, he is alone he doesn’t really need to worry about the fact that he is not healed impacting anyone but himself. When Felicia enters his life again, she is aware of his history and that he is not a forever kind of guy. He likes Felicia as a person, he likes that she is quirky and not like everyone else. I love that about him. As a character he is not as well developed as Felicia but you still like him as a character. You feel for him, as his past. Two years of constant torture would not make the most social of people. I love how he treats Felicia in the beginning, he kind of drops off in the middle when something unexpected happens but he comes together in the end.

The story like all Susan Mallery novels is fun, endearing and heartwarming. The town of Fools Gold is like a character all on its own and makes for a great “side character”. Susan Mallery has a great sense of humor and knows how to write a light fun read that is sure to make you melt a little. The Susan Mallery formula is still in affect but in this book it’s not quite as noticeable as some of the previous books.

*This copy was provided to me through NetGalley for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.

Rating: 4.5 Romanticals